Bay of Quinte Track & Field                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                  Bay of Quinte Championship 2019 - 10/16/2019                   
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Girls 14-15 3800 Meter Run CC Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 McGillen, Leah               Ncc                   16:19.00    1             
  2 Schmoll, Anna                Enss                  17:20.00    2             
  3 Paul, Sarah                  Ncc                   17:41.00    3             
  4 Lavender, Vanessa            Ess                   17:59.00    4             
  5 Singaraja, Tamara            Bss                   18:10.00    5             
  6 Wyngaarden, Taylor           Qchs                  18:23.00    6             
  7 Cruess, Kate                 Bss                   18:38.00    7             
  8 Vis, Layla                   Enss                  18:42.00    8             
  9 Fanjoy, Ella                 Enss                  18:56.00    9             
 10 Littlejohn, Kelsey           Trenton High School   19:06.00   10             
 11 MacKay, Eva                  St Theresa Css        19:20.00   11             
 12 Lammers, Julia               Qchs                  19:23.00   12             
 13 Lees, Madison                Ncc                   19:23.00   13             
 14 Vanberkel, Tara              Qchs                  19:30.00   14             
 15 Cuddy, Julia                 North Addington EC    19:49.00   15             
 16 McMurray, Olivia             Enss                  20:05.00   16             
 17 Johnson, Sarah               Enss                  20:08.00   17             
 18 Ostrander, Ava               Enss                  20:35.00   18             
 19 De Luca, Ileana              Enss                  20:36.00   19             
 20 Bouwma, Kate                 Qchs                  20:58.00   20             
 21 Tie, Lucia                   Ncc                   21:31.00   21             
 22 Goulet, Misty                Bss                   22:34.00   22             
 23 Easby, Gabriella             Chhs                  22:41.00   23             
 24 Chartrand, Emma              St Theresa Css        22:46.00   24             
 25 Morsette, Megan              Bss                   23:19.00   25             
 26 Clark, Lily                  Enss                  24:06.00   26             
 27 Cromarty, Charlotte          Enss                  24:09.00   27             
 28 Thornton, Christine          Prince Edward Cvi     24:09.00   28             
 29 Nause, Alexis                St Theresa Css        24:54.00   29             
 30 Lemoire-Drouillard, Lexi     Trenton High School   25:17.00   30             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4   *5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 East Northumberland SS       35    2    8    9   16   17   18   19   26   27
      Total Time:  1:15:03.00                                                    
         Average:    18:45.75                                                    
   2 Nicholson Catholic Colleg    38    1    3   13   21                         
      Total Time:  1:14:54.00                                                    
         Average:    18:43.50                                                    
   3 Quinte Christian High Sch    52    6   12   14   20                         
      Total Time:  1:18:14.00                                                    
         Average:    19:33.50                                                    
   4 Bayside Secondary School     59    5    7   22   25                         
      Total Time:  1:22:41.00                                                    
         Average:    20:40.25